Saturday, June 16, 2012

Child prodigy?

6-15-2012  Newshound Guru Adam Montana   The Kuwaiti Dinar was a different situation. Anyone who made money on it was simply in the right place at the right time.  The Iraqi Dinar is different. If this currency is given a large boost, the government has had plenty of time to prepare contingency bills to take advantage of all the profits made by citizens here. Luckily, we are also given the same amount of time to take precautions.  ["continued in post 8...stay tuned"]

You're right about your "right place, right time" statement.  The right time would have been after Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1990, and the right place would have been in Kuwait itself.  Adam was 15 years old at the time yet claims to have made money on the Kuwaiti Dinar.  He's either the Doogie Howser of the investment world, or a lying moron.  I'll let you decide.  The real truth about the Kuwaiti Dinar is that the rate was never adjusted below 3 dollars, there was no RV, and ultimately Kuwait re-denominated their currency.  The Kuwaiti Dinar is another fabricated tale in a long line of fabricated tales used by Adam Montana and the gurus to pump the dinar, increase traffic to their sites, and in Adam Montana's case, sell VIP memberships.  Below are some links to Marcus Curtis' blog which will tell you what you need to know about the whole Kuwaiti Dinar ordeal.

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